Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""REPL Shell for PyCDSL"""


import logging
from typing import List

import cmd2
from indic_transliteration import sanscript
from indic_transliteration.sanscript import transliterate

from .corpus import CDSLCorpus
from .utils import validate_scheme, validate_search_mode
from .constants import (
from . import __version__

# Logging

LOGGER = logging.getLogger()  # root logger
if not LOGGER.hasHandlers():


[docs]class BasicShell(cmd2.Cmd): delattr(cmd2.Cmd, "do_edit") delattr(cmd2.Cmd, "do_run_pyscript")
[docs]class CDSLShell(BasicShell): """REPL Interface to CDSL""" intro = "Cologne Sanskrit Digital Lexicon (CDSL)\n" \ "---------------------------------------" desc = "Install or load dictionaries by typing `use [DICT_IDS..]` " \ "e.g. `use MW`.\n" \ "Type any keyword to search in the selected dictionaries. " \ "(help or ? for list of options)" prompt = "(CDSL::None) " schemes = [ sanscript.DEVANAGARI, sanscript.IAST, sanscript.ITRANS, sanscript.VELTHUIS, sanscript.HK, sanscript.SLP1, sanscript.WX, ] search_modes = SEARCH_MODES
[docs] def __init__( self, data_dir: str = None, dict_ids: List[str] = None, search_mode: str = None, input_scheme: str = None, output_scheme: str = None, history_file: str = None, startup_script: str = None ): """REPL Interface to CDSL Create an instance of CDSLCorpus as per the providd parameters. CDSLCorpus.setup() is called after the command-loop starts. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str or None, optional Load a CDSL installation instance at the location `data_dir`. Passed to CDSLCorpus instance as a keyword argument `data_dir`. dict_ids : list or None, optional List of dictionary IDs to setup. Passed to a CDSLCorpus.setup() as a keyword argument `dict_ids`. search_mode : str or None, optional Search mode to query by `key`, `value` or `both`. The default is None. input_scheme : str or None, optional Transliteration scheme for input. If None, `DEFAULT_SCHEME` is used. The default is None. output_scheme : str or None, optional Transliteration scheme for output. If None, `DEFAULT_SCHEME` is used. The default is None. history_file : str or None, optional Path to the history file to keep a persistant history. If None, the history does not persist across sessions. The default is None. startup_script : str or None, optional Path to the startup script with a list of startup commands to be executed after initialization. If None, no startup commands are run. The default is None. """ shortcuts = dict(cmd2.DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS) shortcuts.update({'/': 'search', '$': 'show'}) super().__init__( persistent_history_file=history_file, startup_script=startup_script, allow_cli_args=False, shortcuts=shortcuts ) self.default_category = "Utility" remove_settables = [ "allow_style", "always_show_hint", "echo", "editor", "feedback_to_output", "max_completion_items", ] for settable in remove_settables: self.remove_settable(settable) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Settings # Search Mode self.search_mode = ( validate_search_mode(search_mode) or DEFAULT_SEARCH_MODE ) # Transliteration Schemes self.input_scheme = validate_scheme(input_scheme) or DEFAULT_SCHEME self.output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or DEFAULT_SCHEME # Search parameters self.limit = 50 self.offset = None # Logger Level self.loglevel = "INFO" self.add_settable( cmd2.utils.Settable( "search_mode", str.lower, "Search mode", self, choices=self.search_modes ) ) self.add_settable( cmd2.utils.Settable( "input_scheme", str.lower, "Input transliteration scheme", self, choices=self.schemes ) ) self.add_settable( cmd2.utils.Settable( "output_scheme", str.lower, "Output transliteration scheme", self, choices=self.schemes ) ) self.add_settable( cmd2.utils.Settable( "limit", lambda x: int(x) if int(x) > 0 else None, "Limit search results", self ) ) self.add_settable( cmd2.utils.Settable( "loglevel", str.upper, "Set Logger Level", self, choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"], onchange_cb=self._set_loglevel, ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Corpus Initialisation self.cdsl = CDSLCorpus( data_dir=data_dir, search_mode=None, input_scheme=None, output_scheme=None ) self.dict_ids = dict_ids self.active_dicts = None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _set_loglevel(self, param_name, old_value, new_value): LOGGER.setLevel(getattr(logging, new_value)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dictionary Information
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") def do_info(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Display information about active dictionaries""" if self.active_dicts is None: self.perror("Please select a dictionary first.") else: self.poutput( f"Total {len(self.active_dicts)} dictionaries are active." ) for active_dict in self.active_dicts: self.poutput(active_dict)
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") def do_stats(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Display statistics about active dictionaries""" if self.active_dicts is None: self.perror("Please select a dictionary first.") else: self.poutput( f"Total {len(self.active_dicts)} dictionaries are active." ) for active_dict in self.active_dicts: self.poutput("---") self.poutput(active_dict) self.poutput( active_dict.stats(output_scheme=self.output_scheme) )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") def do_dicts(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Display a list of dictionaries available locally""" for _, cdsl_dict in self.cdsl.dicts.items(): self.poutput(cdsl_dict)
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") def do_available(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Display a list of dictionaries available in CDSL""" for _, cdsl_dict in self.cdsl.available_dicts.items(): self.poutput(cdsl_dict)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") def do_update(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Update loaded dictionaries""" self.cdsl.setup(list(self.cdsl.dicts), update=True)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _use_completer(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return [ dict_id for dict_id in self.cdsl.available_dicts if dict_id.startswith(text.upper()) ] use_parser = cmd2.Cmd2ArgumentParser() use_parser.add_argument( "dict_ids", nargs="*", type=str.upper, help="Dictionary IDs", completer=_use_completer ) use_parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="Load all" ) use_parser.add_argument( "-n", "--none", action="store_true", help="Unload all" )
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") @cmd2.with_argparser(use_parser) def do_use(self, namespace: cmd2.argparse.Namespace): """ Load the specified dictionaries from CDSL. If not available locally, they will be installed first. """ if namespace.all: status = self.cdsl.setup() if status: self.active_dicts = self.cdsl.dicts.values() else: self.perror("Couldn't setup some dictionaries.") elif namespace.none: self.active_dicts = [] else: dict_ids = namespace.dict_ids if not dict_ids: self.perror("Please provide dictionary ID(s) to use.") return self.active_dicts = [] for dict_id in dict_ids: status = ( dict_id in self.cdsl.dicts ) or self.cdsl.setup([dict_id]) if status: self.active_dicts.append(self.cdsl.dicts[dict_id]) else: self.perror(f"Couldn't setup dictionary '{dict_id}'.") active_count = len(self.active_dicts) active_ids = [ for active_dict in self.active_dicts] self.poutput(f"Using {active_count} dictionaries: {active_ids}") if active_count == 0: active_prompt = "None" elif active_count <= 3: active_prompt = ",".join(active_ids) else: active_prompt = f"{active_ids[0]}+{active_count - 1}" self.prompt = f"(CDSL::{active_prompt}) "
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # show_parser = cmd2.Cmd2ArgumentParser() show_parser.add_argument("entry_id", type=int, help="entry ID to show") show_parser.add_argument( "--show-data", action="store_true", help="show XML data field" )
[docs] @cmd2.with_category("Core") @cmd2.with_argparser(show_parser) def do_show(self, namespace: cmd2.argparse.Namespace): """Show a specific entry by ID""" if self.active_dicts is None: self.perror("Please select a dictionary first.") else: entry_id = namespace.entry_id show_data = namespace.show_data for active_dict in self.active_dicts: try: result = active_dict.entry(entry_id) self.poutput( result.transliterate( scheme=self.output_scheme, transliterate_keys=active_dict.transliterate_keys ) ) if show_data: self.poutput(f"\nData:\n{}") except Exception: result = None if result is None: self.perror( f"Entry {entry_id} not found in '{}'." )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # search_parser = cmd2.Cmd2ArgumentParser() search_parser.add_argument("pattern", type=str, help="search pattern") search_parser.add_argument("--limit", type=int, help="limit results") search_parser.add_argument("--offset", type=int, help="skip results") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def default(self, statement: cmd2.Statement): self.do_search(statement.raw)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def cmdloop(self, intro: cmd2.Statement = None): self.poutput(self.intro) self.poutput(self.desc) self.cdsl.setup(dict_ids=self.dict_ids) self.poutput(f"Loaded {len(self.cdsl.dicts)} dictionaries.") if self.dict_ids is not None: self.do_use(" ".join(self.dict_ids)) while True: try: super(self.__class__, self).cmdloop(intro="") break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.poutput("\nKeyboardInterrupt")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def do_version(self, _: cmd2.Statement): """Show the current version of PyCDSL""" self.poutput(f"PyCDSL v{__version__}")