Source code for pycdsl.models

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Models for Lexicon Access

# TODO: XML Parse per Dictionary


import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Dict

from peewee import DatabaseProxy, Model, DecimalField, CharField, TextField

import bs4
from indic_transliteration import sanscript

from .utils import validate_scheme, transliterate_between
from .constants import INTERNAL_SCHEME, DEFAULT_SCHEME


LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Lexicon(Model): """Lexicon Model""" id = DecimalField(unique=True, decimal_places=2, column_name="lnum") key = CharField(index=True) data = TextField() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}: {self.key}" class Meta: database = DatabaseProxy()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class Entry: """ Lexicon Entry Wraps instances of Lexicon model which respresent query results """
[docs] def __init__( self, lexicon_entry: Lexicon, lexicon_id: str = None, scheme: str = None, transliterate_keys: bool = True ): """ Lexicon Entry Parameters ---------- lexicon_entry : Lexicon Instance of Lexicon model lexicon_id : str, optional ID of the Lexicon to which the entry belongs scheme : str, optional Output transliteration scheme. If valid, parts of the `data` in lexicon which are enclosed in `<s>` tags will be transliterated to `scheme`. If invalid or None, no transliteration will take place. The default is None. transliterate_keys : bool, optional If True, the keys in lexicon will be transliterated to `scheme`. The default is True. """ self._entry = lexicon_entry = self.key = self._entry.key = if lexicon_id is None: lexicon_id = self.__class__.__name__.split("Entry")[0] self.lexicon_id = lexicon_id # Validate Scheme valid_scheme = validate_scheme(scheme) or INTERNAL_SCHEME # Transliterate if valid_scheme != INTERNAL_SCHEME: if transliterate_keys: self.key = sanscript.transliterate( self._entry.key, INTERNAL_SCHEME, valid_scheme ) else: self.key = self._entry.key = transliterate_between(, from_scheme=INTERNAL_SCHEME, to_scheme=valid_scheme, start_pattern=r"<s>", end_pattern=r"</s>" ) self._soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(, "xml") self._body = self._soup.find("body") self.__post_init__()
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Placeholder to implement a custom post-init hook""" pass
[docs] def transliterate( self, scheme: str = DEFAULT_SCHEME, transliterate_keys: bool = True ): """Transliterate Data Part of the `data` in lexicon that is enclosed in `<s>` tags will be transliterated to `scheme`. Parameters ---------- scheme : str, optional Output transliteration scheme. If invalid or None, no transliteration will take place. The default is `DEFAULT_SCHEME`. transliterate_keys : bool, optional If True, the keys in lexicon will be transliterated to `scheme`. The default is True. Returns ------- object Returns a new transliterated instance """ return self.__class__( self._entry, scheme=scheme, transliterate_keys=transliterate_keys )
# NOTE: The cache is only on the instance, while the search functions from # shell or cli re-create the Entry objects, so the cache doesn't # actually save much there.
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def meaning(self) -> str: """Extract meaning of the entry""" return self._body.get_text().strip()
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get a python `dict` representation of the entry""" return { "lexicon": self.lexicon_id, "id": str(, "key": self.key, "data":, "text": self.meaning() }
[docs] def parse(self): raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self) -> str: classname = self.__class__.__qualname__ return f"<{classname}: {}: {self.key} = {self.meaning()}>"
[docs]def lexicon_constructor(dict_id: str, table_name: str = None) -> Lexicon: """Construct a Lexicon Model Parameters ---------- dict_id : str Dictionary ID table_name : str, optional Name of the table in SQLite database. If None, it will be inferred as dict_id.lower() The default is None. Returns ------- object Constructed class (a subclass of `Lexicon`) for a dictionary """ table_name = table_name or dict_id.lower() class_dict = { "Meta": type("Meta", (), {"table_name": table_name}) } bases = (Lexicon,) return type(f"{dict_id}Lexicon", bases, class_dict)
[docs]def entry_constructor(dict_id: str) -> Entry: """Construct an Entry Model Parameters ---------- dict_id : str Dictionary ID Returns ------- object Constructed class (a subclass of `Entry`) for a dictionary entry """ return type(f"{dict_id}Entry", (Entry,), {})
############################################################################### # Custom Lexicon and Entry classes
[docs]class AP90Lexicon(Lexicon): class Meta: table_name = "ap90"
[docs]class AP90Entry(Entry): pass
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class MWLexicon(Lexicon): class Meta: table_name = "mw"
[docs]class MWEntry(Entry): pass