Source code for pycdsl.lexicon

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CDSL Lexicon Management

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
import zipfile
from typing import Dict, Generator, List

from peewee import fn
from playhouse.db_url import connect

import bs4
import requests
from requests_downloader.downloader import download
from indic_transliteration.sanscript import transliterate

from .utils import validate_scheme, validate_search_mode
from .models import (
    Lexicon, Entry,
    lexicon_constructor, entry_constructor
from .constants import (


LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class CDSLDict: """Dictionary from CDSL""" id: str date: str name: str url: str = field(repr=False) db: str = field(repr=False, default=None) search_mode: str = field(repr=False, default=None) input_scheme: str = field(repr=False, default=None) output_scheme: str = field(repr=False, default=None) transliterate_keys: bool = field(repr=False, default=None) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __post_init__(self): self.set_scheme( input_scheme=self.input_scheme, output_scheme=self.output_scheme, transliterate_keys=self.transliterate_keys ) self.set_search_mode(self.search_mode) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Entry: result = self.entry(item) if result is None: raise KeyError(f"Entry with ID '{item}' not found.") else: return result def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Entry, None, None]: for entry in yield self._entry( entry,, scheme=self.output_scheme, transliterate_keys=self.transliterate_keys ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def download(self, download_dir: str or Path) -> bool: """Download and extract dictionary data Parameters ---------- download_dir : str or Path Full path of directory where the dictionary data should be downloaded and extracted Returns ------- bool True if successfully downloaded or already up-to-date """ up_to_date = False html = requests.get(self.url).content.decode() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") footer = soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "footer"}) last_modified = footer.find("p").get_text().split(":", 1)[-1].strip() LOGGER.debug(f"Last modified at {last_modified}") download_dir = Path(download_dir) download_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) last_modified_file = download_dir / "last_modified.txt" if last_modified_file.exists(): local_last_modified = last_modified_file.read_text().strip() up_to_date = (local_last_modified == last_modified) if not up_to_date: # not up-to-date # backup current file download_path = download_dir / f"{}" backup_path = download_dir / f"{}" if download_path.exists(): backup_path = download_path.rename(backup_path) # find download link lis = soup.find_all("li") for li in lis: if "Directory 'web' containing displays" in li.get_text(): break else: LOGGER.error("No download link for 'web' displays was found.") return False web_url = li.find("a")["href"] web_url = requests.compat.urljoin(self.url, web_url) # download success = download(web_url, download_path=download_path) if not success: # download failed - restore backup LOGGER.error("Something went wrong.") if backup_path.exists(): LOGGER.debug("Restoring ..") backup_path.rename(download_path) return False # download was sucessful - remove backup if backup_path.exists(): backup_path.unlink() # update last modified info last_modified_file.write_text(last_modified) # extract with zipfile.ZipFile(download_path, "r") as zipref: zipref.extractall(download_dir) else:"Data for dictionary '{}' is up-to-date.") return True
[docs] def setup( self, data_dir: str or Path, symlink_dir: str or Path = None, update: bool = False ) -> bool: """Setup the dictionary database path Parameters ---------- data_dir : str or Path Full path of directory where the dictionary data is stored symlink_dir : str or Path, optional Full path of the directory where the symbolink links to the SQLite database of dictionary will be created If None, symbolic links aren't created. The default is None. update : bool, optional If True, an attempt to update dictionary data will be made. The default is False. Returns ------- bool True if the setup was successful """ # setup database path data_dir = Path(data_dir) database_filename = f"{}.sqlite" database_path = data_dir / "web" / "sqlite" / database_filename self.db = str(database_path) status = ( (not update and database_path.exists()) or ) if not status: LOGGER.error(f"Couldn't setup dictionary '{}'.") return False # create symlink if symlink_dir is not None: symlink_dir = Path(symlink_dir) symlink_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) symlink_path = symlink_dir / f"{}.db" if not symlink_path.exists(): symlink_path.symlink_to(database_path) self.db = str(symlink_path) return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def set_scheme( self, input_scheme: str = None, output_scheme: str = None, transliterate_keys: bool = None ): """Set transliteration scheme for the dictionary instance Parameters ---------- input_scheme : str, optional Input transliteration scheme. If None, `INTERNAL_SCHEME` is used. The default is None. output_scheme : str, optional Output transliteration scheme. If None, `INTERNAL_SCHEME` is used. The default is None. transliterate_keys : bool, optional Determines whether the keys in lexicon should be transliterated to `scheme` or not. If None, the value will be inferred based on dictionary type. The default is None. """ input_scheme = validate_scheme(input_scheme) or INTERNAL_SCHEME output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or INTERNAL_SCHEME if transliterate_keys is None: transliterate_keys = ( in ENGLISH_DICTIONARIES) if ( self.input_scheme != input_scheme or self.output_scheme != output_scheme or self.transliterate_keys != transliterate_keys ): self.stats.cache_clear() self.input_scheme = input_scheme self.output_scheme = output_scheme self.transliterate_keys = transliterate_keys
[docs] def set_search_mode(self, mode: str): """Set search mode Parameters ---------- mode : str Valid values are 'key', 'value', 'both' Recommended to use the convenience variables SEARCH_MODE_KEY, SEARCH_MODE_VALUE or SEARCH_MODE_BOTH. """ self.search_mode = validate_search_mode(mode) or DEFAULT_SEARCH_MODE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def connect( self, lexicon_model: Lexicon = None, entry_model: Entry = None ): """ Connect to the SQLite database If both `lexicon_model` and `entry_model` are specified, they are used as the ORM layer, and take preference over `model_map`. If any of `lexicon_model` or `entry_model` is None, then the models are resolved in the following way. First, if the current dictionary ID is present in `model_map` the models specified by the `model_map` are used. Otherwise, `models.lexicon_constructor` and `models.entry_constructor` functions are used, which subclass the `models.Lexicon` and `models.Entry` models. Parameters ---------- lexicon_model : object, optional Lexicon model. The default is None. entry_model : object, optional Entry model. The default is None. """ if lexicon_model is not None and entry_model is not None: self._lexicon = lexicon_model self._entry = entry_model else: self._lexicon = lexicon_constructor( self._entry = entry_constructor( db_url = f"sqlite:///{self.db}" self._lexicon.bind(connect(db_url)) self.stats.cache_clear()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def stats(self, top: int = 10, output_scheme: str = None) -> Dict: """Display statistics about the lexicon Parameters ---------- top : int, optional Display top `top` entries having most different meanings. The default is 10. output_scheme: str, optional Output transliteration scheme If None, `self.output_scheme` will be used. The default is None. Returns ------- dict Statistics about the dictionary """ output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or self.output_scheme lex = self._lexicon total_count = distinct_query = ( lex .select(, lex.key,, fn.COUNT(lex.key).alias("count") ) .group_by(lex.key) .order_by(fn.COUNT(lex.key).desc()) ) top_entries = [ ( ( transliterate( item.key, INTERNAL_SCHEME, output_scheme ) if self.transliterate_keys else item.key ), item.count ) for item in distinct_query.limit(top) ] distinct_count = distinct_query.count() return { "total": total_count, "distinct": distinct_count, "top": top_entries }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4096) def search( self, pattern: str, mode: str = None, input_scheme: str = None, output_scheme: str = None, ignore_case: str = False, limit: int = None, offset: int = None ) -> List[Entry]: """Search in the dictionary Parameters ---------- pattern : str Search pattern, may contain wildcards (`*`). mode : str or None, optional Search mode to query by `key`, `value` or `both`. If None, `self.search_mode` will be used. The default is None. input_scheme : str or None, optional Input transliteration scheme If None, `self.input_scheme` will be used. The default is None. output_scheme : str or None, optional Output transliteration scheme If None, `self.output_scheme` will be used. The default is None. ignore_case : bool, optional Ignore case while performing lookup. The default is False. limit : int or None, optional Limit the number of search results to `limit`. The default is None. offset : int or None, optional Offset the search results by `offset`. The default is None Returns ------- list List of matching entries """ input_scheme = validate_scheme(input_scheme) or self.input_scheme output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or self.output_scheme mode = validate_search_mode(mode) or self.search_mode pattern = transliterate(pattern, input_scheme, INTERNAL_SCHEME) value_pattern = f"*<body>*{pattern.strip('*')}*</body>*" if mode == SEARCH_MODE_KEY: query = % pattern) iquery = ** pattern) if mode == SEARCH_MODE_VALUE: query = % value_pattern ) iquery = ** value_pattern ) if mode == SEARCH_MODE_BOTH: query = (self._lexicon.key % pattern) | ( % value_pattern) ) iquery = (self._lexicon.key ** pattern) | ( ** value_pattern) ) search_query = iquery if ignore_case else query return [ self._entry( result,, scheme=output_scheme, transliterate_keys=self.transliterate_keys ) for result in search_query.limit(limit).offset(offset) ]
[docs] def entry(self, entry_id: str, output_scheme: str = None) -> Entry or None: """Get an entry by ID Parameters ---------- entry_id : str Entry ID to lookup output_scheme : str or None, optional Output transliteration scheme If None, `self.output_scheme` will be used. The default is None. Returns ------- object If the `entry_id` is valid, `Entry` with the matching ID otherwise, None. """ output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or self.output_scheme try: return self._entry( self._lexicon.get( == entry_id),, scheme=output_scheme, transliterate_keys=self.transliterate_keys ) except Exception: LOGGER.error(f"Entry with ID '{entry_id}' not found.")
[docs] def dump( self, output_path: str or Path = None, output_scheme: str = None ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Dump data as JSON Parameters ---------- output_path : str or Path, optional Path to the output JSON file. If None, the data isn't written to the disk, only returned. The default is None. output_scheme : str or None, optional Output transliteration scheme If None, `self.output_scheme` will be used. The default is None Returns ------- list List of all the entries in the dictionary. Every entry is a `dict`. If `output_path` is provided, the same list is written as JSON. """ output_scheme = validate_scheme(output_scheme) or self.output_scheme data = [ entry.to_dict() for entry in ( self._entry( result,, scheme=output_scheme, transliterate_keys=self.transliterate_keys ) for result in ) ] if output_path is not None: with open(output_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False) return data